Celebrate Good Times (and a Giveaway)
November is a really big month for me as far as celebrating things...
Just a few days ago I was looking for post that I had written a really long time ago. After I had found it, I happened to glace down at the date and then it hit me... I am now two years old! (in blog years at least) I guess it never really dawned on me how long I've been at it.
... and it was also in November, just four short years ago, that I left everything that I once knew as home and said "yes" not only to my husband, but to Deutschland as well. Some days have seemed longer than others, but the years have seemed to have flown by.
... and let's not forget about the "tastiest" celebration of the month... the ever loved, ever talked about "Turkey Day"... oh, my. There's just so MUCH to be thankful about!
... so, in celebration of celebrating things, do you think that you might find reason to celebrate with these babies hangin' in your ears?
Just tell me about one of your birthday celebrations, an anniversay memory (of any kind), or your favorite holiday celebration (Oh, please in German too... that is if you can speak German) and these just might land in your mailbox (start the celebration dancing now!) I'll announce the winner December 6th!
Hello Allison .. Wow you have lots to celebrate .. First of all congratulations on taking the brave step to leave your homeland .. and say YES not only to your husband also to Deutschland .. I would try it, if given the chance ..
ReplyDeleteWoohoo two years blogging .. Well done :-) Isn't it funny how we celebrate this .. but why not, it is an achievement.
A lovely giveaway too, whoever wins will be a happy lady :-)
I remember two birthdays .. my 40th .. hubby and I were living in Wales at the time, and we decided to go away for the weekend.. cross the border to England and just drive .. we ended up in Cornwall.. lovely B and B .. an Italian meal over looking the sea, and a walk on the beach .. :-)
My 50th as this was one of the few years that my hubby was actually in the country.. he did have to work (Formula 1) it was the British Grandprix .. But I got a super grandstand seat . all covered which is great when sunny .. stayed with him at the teams hotel .. went for a great meal too. Ok I was sitting on my own ( but surrounded by people) and my friends who did not have grandstand seats , met up with me too. A super day . June 11th 2006. xx
Wie gehts? Ich habe auch zwei leibings Geburtstags. Die erste war wenn ich war 16 jahre alt. Alle meine freundin hat mir eine uberuchungs geburtstag gegeben. Dar far vielleicht 25 leute da. Bevor ich gehe nach hause meine freundin hat mir in eine stuhl uber seine koph gemacht als vie ein judeshishe hochzeit. Es war viel spass. Dann meine nachte war das erste jahr nach mein hochzeit. Mein mann hat mir ein party gegeben und dass war auch ein uberuchung. Weil er konnte nie backen er hat meine freunde gefragt ab sie konnte eine kuchen backen. Das war die beste.
ReplyDeleteOk, Allison, now you can tell how bad my German grammer is even after 13 years of being married. Happy Blog Birthday and Happy Thanksgiving.
My fav. celebration, is having a real English Turkey Christmas dinner. The Germans main Celebration day is 24 th, So we often invite another family, to help us eat our Large Turkey;on the 25th ,Just like we did when I lived in GB, with everything, that goes with it. I just Love preparing, cooking, serving, and of course EATING Christmas Turkey.Its great being able to combine different cultures, and family traditions, to make then , your own traditions .
ps I live down in Southern germany, not far from stuttgart.
na, du? Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Du hast wirklich viel zu fieren -du fliegst gliech in der USA, oder? =)
ReplyDeleteMeine Ohren sind nicht "gepierced", lol, daswegen sag ich nur Herzlichen Glückwusnch zum Geburtstag!
Happy two year birthday!! Hats off to you!
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite holiday memories is the first Thanksgiving I celerated in Germany. In the States, my fam always celebrated really big, so the first time I found myself in Germany on Thanksgiving, I decided to do just the same, only that I had no idea how to do it! I spent hours on the phone with my mom and told all of my friends to come starving 'cause I was cookin' up a storm. Starving they came, but when they arrived, Tom looked more English than Italian and we ended up eating around midnight. I still don't know where I went wrong with my oven calculation, but we had a ball nonetheless. Our apartment was as small as heck, so we feasted in the hallway and ate turkey until the wee hours of the morning. Good times!
What about you??