Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Learning German Traditions


  1. Oh, habt ihr Karneval gefeiert? Wie schön. Doch nun ist es vorbei :-(
    Ich habe sechs Wochen lang ganz viel zum Karneval in Köln gepostet. Wenn du magst, schau mal vorbei:

    Sei herzlichst gegrüßt von

  2. How fun! I would love to be in Germany at this time of year! One of these days we are going to stay the winter.

  3. How is it possible that he is so big already?!? Kids dressed up are so cute!

  4. Astrid, I peeked in on you recently and I knew that you would have lots of Karneval photos to share especially being in Köln!

    Kelleyn, the kids would love it. Lots of parties and sweet stuff to eat.

    Jules, Yup, they grow up... hard to believe that three is just around the corner!


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