Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Swell Quilt Top Finish!

I guess when it comes to quilting I'm a debater... are you too? I'm almost always back and forth about some issue, putting projects on hold until I figure out my dilemma, and picking them back up again when it feels right. With that being said, it should be no surprise that this quilt top finish is certainly no exception.  Just a few stats to bring you up to speed:Quilt pattern: Camille Roskelley's "Swell" from her Simply Retro book.Started: February 2014Fabrics: Various Amy Butler collections and Kona Cotton whiteQuilt top: FINISHED! (if I could figure out a way to make trumpets sound at this point, I would. Please imagine them now.)Current Status: Working on backing, then once...

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Farm Girl Vintage Blocks

One of the joys of living is Northern Germany is the rain. (I hope the sarcasm is plainly obvious) With that being said, I've got a finish to share, but have been stuck inside these past days wishing for even the slightest little hint of sunshine to snap some pictures. So, if the sunshine won't come to you, then I guess you have to make it yourself. My Farm Girl Vintage blocks are growing, and it's been fun to dig through my scraps, and even make a few new scraps for these blocks. I have to say that I am pleased with how much easier it has been to find that perfect little snippit now that my scraps are properly organized. I really love adding low volumes with just a little hint of color...

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Realistic Quilting

When it comes to my quilting projects, I feel that I am somewhat of a realist. It's never been my goal, or intention, to whip out one quilt after the next as fast as one can blink... in fact I've actually intended my long term projects to be just that, and something that I work on throughout the year. I want to enjoy the process, and be satisfied that a quilt is not something that is just thrown together over a weekend. (well not at least for normal people anyway)  I want the freedom to set something to the side if I am not feeling motivated or inspired, and pick it back up when if feels right. While finishing is so vital, setting time constraints for when is not. I've enjoyed moving at...

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Quilt Top Finish... but which one?!?

I finished a quilt top!!!... it might come as a little bit surprise, but can you guess which one?  I was able to make a good amount of progress on my "planned creativity" goals during our summer vacation time, and since I've been working on THREE quilts at the same time, there's about a 33% chance at guessing which one is now a finished quilt top... so, what's your pick? 1.) The "Swell" quilt?  2.) The "Facing East" quilt? or 3.) The "Scrappy Windmill" quilt?... If you follow me on Instagram, then you might have a pretty good idea already, but if not, how about a little hint?... the quilt top is the smallest of all three quilts that I have been working on, and it's the one...
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