My Jeweled Kaleidoscope quilt pattern is now in the hands of my pattern testers, and I'm really loving seeing so many takes on the same block! Be sure to check out what's happening on Instagram (#jeweledkaleidoscopequilt)... everyone has their own signature style and favorite fabrics. Oh, by the way... did I happen to mention that my pattern comes in two different sizes and an optional version?
The pattern is also available in a 18" mini size, which is perfect for pillows, wall hangings, etc. This pillow is for my living room and I love it! This is not only the mini version, but also the optional version without the circle appliques. (I realize that applique is perhaps not everyone's...
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Finished Edge Foil Applique VIDEO!
Every quilter has their own list of favorite and least favorite techniques for finishing quilt blocks. I have always loved applique, but what I have not always loved is a zig-zag finish. Many of the quilting techniques that I've explored have been my attempt to have a clean, finished egde when I applique: thus the reason you see so much freezer paper and reverse applique projects at the top of my list.
Sometime ago, I had stumbled onto Anna Maria Horner's technique for finishing circles... can I just say brilliant?!? I used this method to finish the circles in my to-be-released Jeweled Kaleidoscope pattern (October 12th), and you may remember my Facing East quilt. While I was writing the...
campbell soup diary
foil applique
jeweled kaleidoscope
video tutorial
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Jeweled Kaleidoscope Pattern Reveal!
Sometimes when you've been working on something so intensely with no end in sight, once the light at the end of the tunnel moment comes, it's hard to believe when you actually make it out on the other side at the finish line! I've teased, hinted, and showed little sneak peeks for so long, that I can tease and hint no more... now I can finally share my very first pattern - Jeweled Kaleidoscope!
I have to admit that it's been really hard to keep a project like this under wraps! Behind the scenes there is so much going on that can't be shared which gives the appearance of not much going on. Well, the cat's out of the bag and I'm now ready to talk about it... a lot!
The quilt is a combination...
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Such A Tease
Did anyone ever tease you in school? We've all been teased, and when it happened it wasn't always fun... but sometimes the person that did the teasing might have done it because they actually liked you. Pause... hmmm, with that being said, what do you think about just a little teasing today? I'm certainly hoping that this is the kind of teasing that you like!
I am in the home stretch of completing my first pattern and hope to share it next week! (eekk!) On such an endeavor, there is always so much behind the scenes things that have to be done before hitting that official launch button. On one hand it's a great feeling of satisfaction to be so far, but what that actually means is that I...
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