Saturday, March 23, 2019

Instagram Birthday GIVEAWAY!

It's really not intentional, but somehow my quilt pattern releases seem to line up perfectly timed with my birthday. Even though it's no special number this year, it's still fun to explain to people that I've been 35 for 11 years now... so, you wanna celebrate big with me? To participate in the giveaway then just pop on over to my Instagram page for a chance to win a 3" x 6" Flying Geese ruler from Bloc Loc PLUS a copy of my latest pattern, Whirly Girl! When I approach a company about sponsoring a giveaway, for me it's about endorsing products that I actually use and am passionate about. I think I've shared before about my general dislike of HST's (half square triangles)... until a...

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Whirly Girl Release + Shop SALE!

Oh, there's so much to share about the release of my Whirly Girl quilt, where do I begin? How about if I just jump to the good stuff first? part the of Whirly Girl release, I am offering a 20% discount on ALL my patterns in my Payhip shop, just enter the SALE CODE: Whirly. Sale ends Sunday, March 24th (GMT+1) So, just in case you missed it yesterday, join me on the Whirly Girl blog hop, which starts with me today! Tomorrow, she'll show up with: Melanie – March 15th Sandra – March 16th Alex - March 17th Judith – March 18th  Sharni - March 19th I suppose it's been said, never ask someone to do something that you would not be willing to do yourself, right? And since I asked...

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Whirly Girl Blog Hop Announcement

Tomorrow is the official release of my Whirly Girl quilt pattern... so, are you as excited as I am? To kick things off, I'm announcing a little Blog Hop that starts with the pattern release! I had so many talented pattern testers, and what was particularly exciting for me was that I had so many German testers in the mix... it really makes me feel more a part of the community where I am living! So, here's where Whirly Girl will be taking you this week... March 14th, Allison March 15th, Melanie March 16th, Sandra March 17th, Alex March 18th, Judith   March 19th, Sharni   So before the official release tomorrow, I thought that I would leave you with a few color combinations...

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Whirly Girl To The Test

The countdown clock has officially started... in just a little over a week, Whirly Girl will make her public appearance! As I mentioned before, I have a really great group of pattern testers, and since I'm stuck behind the computer instead of the sewing machine, I thought it would be fun to share of few of other Whirly Girl versions... Cecilia decided to use these fabulous Quantum fabrics from guicy_guice... I've been drooling over them for a while, and trying to convince myself that a girl can never have enough fabric. Hildy had me at low volume and Basic Grey grunge... what a perfect combination for a sweet baby quilt. I've heard that there's already a new little bundle of joy wrapped...
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