Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Have you ever forgotten that special someone's birthday? What about a special anniversary? Or even worse yet, an important Christmas present? Well, I have... The truth of the matter is that it was my full intention to have a giveaway to celebrate my one year anniversary / blog birthday in November, but things somehow got busy and I thought; "hey, why not a Christmas giveaway", but then my hubby gave me a surprise flight to the States, and quite frankly I just didn't have time.Hast Du jemals den Geburtstag eines Deiner Lieben vergessen? Oder ein besonderes Jubiläum? Oder noch schlimmer - ein wichtiges Weihnachtsgeschenk? Nun, das habe ich alles schon "geschafft"... Ursprünglich war es z.B. meine...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A New Season

I figured that perhaps it is time that I break you all in slowly... there are some of you that have been with me for a while, some that have just recently joined in, but however long you have been here, you might have picked up that I am ready to go into a new season in my life. I remember the first time that my husband and I met with our midwife and she gave us a chart of the 40 weeks of pregnancy and what to expect at each week, and I thought to myself.... Wow, I can't believe how far off it is until "baby" gets here. But now is that time, just seven weeks away when I realize that I don't have much time to process anymore... that the knowing in my head that my life, our lives, will change......

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Clock is Ticking

For the past several days I have been trying to find my desk. I know once I get it cleared off, I will be able to start sewing again. It has been pilled up with new orders coming in, new fabrics, and I have had to totally rework my small space to fit them all. Computer work and getting caught up on general business stuff has kept my itching fingers away from my new fabric collection.... BUT, I have finally decided on what fabrics I am planning to use for a diaper bag. After long debate back and forth (mostly with myself) I opted to go with a more "grown up" diaper bag rather than a boy or girl specific bag... after all, I will be the one carrying it most of the time, right? I tried to imagine...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

So In Love...

Do you remember the first time that you fell in love?... really in love, head over heals, couldn't breath, couldn't eat, couldn't think straight in love? Was it love at first sight, or was it the more time that you spent together the more you noticed all those special little details that set them apart from the rest? Were you young and impetuous and the whole world seemed to be at the tip of your fingers or had you saved your heart until you were old enough to process and appreciate the depth of what the word meant?However it may have been for you, I just had to shout from the rooftops that I am in love... again! One could perhaps say that I am being quite dramatic, especially since I am talking...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been

One could only imagine my complete and utter surprise when my strict policy upholder of "no early gift opening" husband came waltzing into my office, grabbed my hand, lead me into the living room, sat me down, and announced in November that he thought we should have Christmas early. After closing my gaping jaw to follow the statement with... "what have you done with my husband?!?", he presented me a small envelope. The contents inside aimed at bringing the biggest shock and smile to my face. Knowing how much I had struggled last Christmas with being away from my family, and taking into consideration that travels might be limited once the "baby cookie" arrives, he had booked a surprise flight...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What a Year It's Been!

Somehow "busy" seems to be my new norm... New Year's Eve with much missed friends, lots of yummy food, big road trip, TWO anniversaries (that's the advantage of being married in Germany, we essentially got married twice... the legal ceremony by the Justice of the Peace and the church ceremony. I never know which day to celebrate, but I like the idea of doing both), birthday party, shopping for baby, fighting more snow, and that is just start of my year. Hope you all had a great "slide" into the new year... so has it kept you busy or have you started it off sl...
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