Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Es Grünt So Grün

With two birthdays, one wedding, overnight guests, and preprations for a major launch of a new product of mine... (and all of that just in the last two weeks), it's no wonder that I've hardly had any time to work on spring decorations, or anything creative for that matter. But the weather over the last couple days has been to nice to keep me inside. So... now is the perfect time bring some of that spring inside.I've had these sweet mini glass jars for quite some time, but they've only now found thier use. I've always loved small vases with small flowers in them... so dainty and delicate. Working on a few of these for a bigger project, but just thought I'd stop in and say "happy sprin...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Of Things Yet to Come

So the end is in sight and close... very close, and things are just about ready for my big "reveal". Colors... done. Projects... done. Photos... done. Ideas... millions more. Final draft of my desk? well, not quite yet, but I'm very, very close.So, how about if I share just a little taste of what is yet to come...Hmmm... tulips, daffodils, and other favorite flowers, and just in time for spring too....

Friday, March 16, 2012

Weekend DIY Links

So, do you already have your weekend crafting projects lined up? If not, how about a little "link love" for a few DIY projects using ribbons.1. Everyone has at least one boring lampshade somewhere around the house that is just begging for a makeover. Why not add a few ribbons for this super criss-cross DIY lampshade.2. Is it still a little cold in your part of the world, that weekend pleasures include snuggled up with a good book? Why not make this super easy, super sweet bookmark.3. Don't know what to do with those leftover ribbon scraps? This ribbon vase would add cheer to any corner of the home.4. Favorite fabric, mixed with favorite ribbons, and framed in a sewing hoop... doesn't get any...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

All Wrapped Up

Since I'm on the topic of ribbons, I thought it might be nice to share another "non-sewing" ribbon project. I guess this really is not project at all, but a simple way to add a little pep to wrapped gifts.I really love plain or natural looking items such as brown cardstock, like I use for my thank you cards, jute twine, or just simple packing paper. Why not let the details of a well packed gift stand out instead of the paper itself?I've had lots of fun with this great adhesive peel and stick paper from K & Company. Just simply find a cute dye cutter stamp and then the paper works just like a sticker and can be used to hold ribbons or other paper items in place. I'm sure that many of you...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Renaissance Ribbons II

When I first spotted the strong turquoises, vibrant oranges, and deep reds with unique folk art designs, I was instantly drawn to these fantastic ribbons by Sue Spargo for Renaissance Ribbons. It is quite obvious in her designs how much her environments and past places she has lived, such as South Africa, England, and now the U.S., has influenced her designs.Not only does Sue design ribbons, but also many folk art quilt patterns, books, and uses a variety of mediums to embellish and enhance her quilt masterpieces. I love how nicely these ribbons work with Anna Maria Horner's "Hugs & Kisses" fabrics.... so can you tell that ribbons might be my topic of choice for a bit? You don't mind, do...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

No Sewing Required

I absolutely love the challenge of using traditional sewing items for non-sewing projects. I realize that there are many out there that love ribbons, trimmings, buttons, and fabrics, but don't like to sew or simply just don't have the time. With a super active little one myself, I know how precious creative time can be.While looking for supplies for another project, I stumbled onto these ribbons crimps. Such a nice way to finish off those unfinished edges. A simple clasp, add a simple charm, and these fantastic Anna Maria Horner ribbons are turned into a simple and lovely bracelet. No sewing required... how great is th...
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