Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Heart's Desire & Quilt Finish

Have you ever wanted something so badly that it felt as if your heart literally hurt and ached? Usually such a yearning comes from the desire for personal relationships... whether it is a longing for a spouse, a friendship, or probably the ultimate of yearnings... the wish for a baby. Before we were pregnant with our oldest son, we actually had a miscarriage. It was so early in the pregnancy that we barely had time to comprehend it ourselves, much less share it with family and friends. Even though the pregnancy was only in it's first weeks, the loss was still very real, especially since we had been trying for a while. After having gone through such a loss, I ended up coming out on the...

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Super Size Me!

Since I've been in an everything in XXS phase lately, I thought that it was high time that I come back to the land of normal size. Oh, don't get me wrong, I think that I could probably carry on for a good number of months, enough to write a book Kitty suggests, but I do love a good distraction!  So, to get back to normalcy, I thought it would be fun to super size my mini mini sunburst pattern to make a little something for myself, and I've shown a good amount of the process on Instagram. It actually took me a good bit of thinking, planning, and test cutting to figure out the seam allowance and size of the inner connecting piece for the two opposite sunbursts. Since I was making this...

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Broken Record Sewing + Free Template

Sometimes it's easy to get into a rut, right? I would think that it is safe to say that every blogger, at some point or another, has probably reached a broken record phase. You know, I keep working with the same colors, making the same favorite pattern over and over, or preaching about the same topic... well, I hope that your patience has not run its course when it comes to me sharing, yet again, a few more mini mini's... but if I include another free template, are you still with me?!? This round of mini's has been all about slow stitching. I've been told that my work reflects a certain attention to detail, and I've always loved adding little embellishments, doilies, and do-dad's to my...

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Take One, Take Two, Take Three

I've never been a pattern tester before... not because I didn't want to, but because it would seem that searching for testers announcements were usually made on the US side of the pond when most of Germany was already asleep. By the time the lights started coming on here, the spots were already filled up, and... well, that was that. So, do you remember my recent butterfly mini mini’s here? The paper pieced patterns are from Lillyellasworld's, which she offers as a free pattern set… and they are so stinkin' cute, what's not to love?!? So I was thrilled when I found out that Nicole was looking for testers to try out her Forest Floor Pattern! Firstly, the pattern itself is a extremely well...

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Swell Quilt Finish!

It really was no exaggeration, by any means, when I said that taking photos of quilts in Germany in the fall and winter months is like waiting for the sun, moon, and stars to all come into perfect alignment before the lighting is just right. Of course everyone at some point has suffered a touch of the blues when the warm, beautiful, and care free seasons begin to fade into the colder and greyer ones, but Northern German weather is a beast all of it's own! While there are no claims of perfect celestial alignment, there was enough (and I mean just barely enough) daylight to snap a few finish photos of my long-time-in-the-making Swell quilt! Since this quilt had grown so enormously huge,...
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