I've been spending way more time behind the computer screen than I have behind the sewing machine these days. Writing a pattern, at least if it's a fairly extensive one, is not exactly a weekend project. I always love it when others share those behind the scenes moments of what it really takes to make something happen, so I thought I would do the same and share a bit of my pattern writing process.
While EQ7 has its many ins and outs that have to be learned, overall I'm pretty satisfied with what the program can do. When I work on a pattern, I usually hand draw what I am working on first, and then I have to translate it into a usable form, and for this I usually end up doing a lot of work...
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
More Is Just More, Right?
As a general rule, I tend to avoid highly quilted projects. I think in part because sometimes more is just, well... more. I'm a fabric, color, and print girl, so I'm naturally inclined towards simplicity in quilting and letting those elements shine. But secondly because I've not reached the comfort level that I would like to "over-quilt" a project, at least not on big ones anyway. With each new small project that I've taken on recently, I've decided to push myself when it comes to free motion quilting... and with my latest "Lovebirds" bonus project, I really wanted the quilting to go beyond my usual "keep it simple" mantra.
Quilting designs are not always as obvious to me as I would like...
basic grey grunge
free motion quilting
quilt pattern
starch applique
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Lovebirds Reveal: The Story
This spring, as a special treat for my birthday, my husband took me to one of the finest and best-kept secrets in the area... a monasterial grounds since the middle ages, that was later a private hunting spot to a 17th century duke. The Forsthaus Heiligenberg, delivers everything that one could wish for when it comes to historical charm and quaintness. Mixed with fine delicacies made from regional products and attention to every last detail, it might be easy to understand how a romantic like myself could get completely swept away with the whole atmosphere....
As I sat across from my husband, I found that I was absolutely fascinated with the embroidery piece on the wall behind him. My gaze...
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
The Center Of It All
Perhaps you've noticed already that Wednesdays are my posting days. It was actually something that I had started after I had re-joined the blogging world, and was linking up weekly with WIP Wednesdays. (ah, remember those days?) Having a set date actually keeps me motivated to keep up with posting, but it doesn't always match the current progress of projects that I might be working on. Right now, I'm literally just a day or two away from sharing my finished medallion quilt top, but that would mean you would have to wait... hmmm. But you certainly didn't think that I would leave you with the Wednesday high-and-dry's, did you?
So this week, I'm sharing the center medallion of the quilt...
bias tape applique
medallion quilt
pattern writing
quilt pattern
starch applique
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