Wednesday, April 25, 2018

On Your Mark, Get Set...

The countdown has officially begun... I'm about a week away from heading out to Nadelwelt, and I couldn't be more nervous and excited at the same time. So much to think of... pack... plan... check off the list, and that's exactly what I'm doing. I shared last week my two latest kicks that I am somehow needing to get out of my system - felt and reverse applique. Both of these projects are blocks from my Home Sweet Home applique sampler, which releases in May! I usually make a lot of pillows with several factors in mind. Firstly, I always like to show smaller sample projects that can be made for a large quilt pattern... it gets ideas flowing for how a pattern can be translated into...

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Reverse Applique + FAL Goals

I'm pleased to say that I seem to be right on track with my progress from the last FAL quarter even though that means that I only got one quilt finished... but it was a biggie! The best part about this quarter is that I know that I will definitely have at least one sure finish... the quilting is finished, and binding is all that's left to do for my Home Sweet Home Applique Sampler. (pattern releases May 16th!) I have two small spin off projects that I'm adding to the list, and reverse applique circles are my current flavor of the month, but I really like the way it highlights these applique blocks... I usually don't like to give myself self imposed deadlines because I enjoy...

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Felt Applique + Kraft Paper

Even though I'm usually quite the chatty gal when it comes to writing, today is about short and sweet... I really should be quilting right now to meet my Nadelwelt deadline, but not without stopping in and saying hello first. ... and like I shared last week, felt is the flavor of the month (at least for me it is), but this week it's about mixing mediums. I love combining fabric and paper, and kraft paper is usually my paper of choice - it's natural, it's simple, and it's not fussy. I love adding little decorative stitches to paper too, and this little awl has been a must in my sewing bag for quite some time now. How about a closer look? Once I finished the applique and hand stitching,...

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Felt Applique + Peanut Butter Sandwiches

When I was a little girl, I would take a peanut butter sandwich in my school lunch everyday... and I really mean EVERY day. No jelly, just peanut butter. I suppose this went on for years, and I have to admit that I smile inwardly when my littlest asks for a cream cheese sandwich, yup, you guessed it... EVERY day. While I no longer eat peanut butter sandwiches on a daily basis, I do notice that I have a tendency that when I get in a phase, that I stick with for a while... just like my peanut butter sandwiches. I suppose that the need to get it fully out of my system sometimes doesn't just stop with the first project. And it would appear that felt applique is the current flavor of the...
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