We had great neighbor exhibitors, which really makes a big difference. I can remember doing shows with my dad and it was great to visit with other artists, hear all their entertaining and sometimes far fetched stories, and of course get lots of tips and advice for other shows.
Its not hard to tell that I love color...I think I always have. I have always been attracted to strong patterns and interesting textures. My old roommate even noticed one day at the mall that I walk through the aisles and touch an item on just about every rack. I just can't help myself!

I have been finding myself these days using a lot of fabric from the fabulous fabric designer, Anna Maria Horner. I got so many comments on the way I used her fabrics in my designs and the fabrics themselves. This stuff is simply glorious! It constantly astounds me at the talent some people have. The last quilting collection from Anna Maria, called "Garden Party" is so fittingly named... it really does look like there was a party in the garden with a certain psychedelic twist and color combinations that widen the eyes. This is definitely some really sweet eye candy and in this case I really have a sweet tooth.

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