Monday, January 17, 2011

Pay it Forward

It appears as though it is a good thing thing that I am not one to make New Year's resolutions... I would have already done quite poorly at my first attempt to post more regularly. (it's already the middle of January and this is the first!) But I have so many things that daily keep me so unusually busy, which to tell you all about it would be breaking the second of what I would have resolved NOT to do for 2011. (if I were a resolution making kinda girl)

Quality time things would make the top of my list like writing more beautifully decorated "snail mail" letters (thanks Kathrin!), actually keeping up with my e-mails, visiting more often with friends, and the list goes on. How is it that we have such a tendency to get so busy that really important things often get left on the back burner. Time is always so precious, but gone so quickly.

But despite the fact that I never make resolutions (maybe it is the realist in me that doesn't want to over-promise and under-deliver), I did decide to take on one that I plan to keep. A friend sent me this and I decided it would be fun to do:

Pay it Forward 2011: I promise to send something handmade to the first 5 people who leave a comment here... They must in turn post this on their blog and send something they make to the first 5 people who comment on their status. The rules are that it must be handmade by you, and it must be sent to your 5 people sometime in 2011.

Wow, a whole year to Pay it Forward... I think that is doable, how about you?


  1. Ok, I'll bite! I confess to trying this on FB last year and failed, but the blog version seems to provide enough pressure, lol! =)

  2. I am up for the challenge! I need a new project to work on while I grow this little bun in my oven.

  3. I don't have a blog, so I guess I can't participate, but I think it's a great idea. You make such lovely things, I'm sure all 5 of your people will really enjoy it. What a nice way to share a multitude of homemade items with others!

  4. okay - obwohl ich dieses jahr bestimmt ganz viel anderes zu tun haben werde, ist die idee doch sehr reizvoll. ich bin dabei! ein jahr ist ja lang. ;)

    hast du vielleicht einen button (ein icon oder label), das ich auf meinem blog verlinken kann? das wäre toll.

    es grüßt
    frau s.

  5. Hallo Allison!
    Ich habe mir gerade einen Blog reserviert, aber er ist noch null eingerichtet. Ich finde die Aktion sehr nett und es macht mir einbißchen Druck, mich um den Blog zu kümmern. Ich möchte gerne mitmachen ;-)
    Gruß, Sina

  6. Jen, This is going on also on Facebook in case anyone is searching for it.

    Frau s. I am working on a button that you can link to your blog. I'll let you know when it is ready.

    Sina, blogging is really a lot of fun... good luck with getting your blog started!

  7. Allison,
    thank you so much for this wonderful idea! I was hooked right away and wasted no time to getit onto my blog when I read about it at "Cordmeise".
    Have a lovely day,

  8. Hi Allison, I think the idea is brilliant and lovely, I hope that you can do it, sure you can, and I am sure they will love the gifts you make for them :-)

  9. Hi Allison!
    Ich habe "Craft it forward" jetzt auf meinem Blog gepostet:
    Ich freue mich auf Deinen Besuch!
    Liebe Grüße,


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