Thursday, September 29, 2011


So, speaking of "children at play", the little guy, my hubby, and I visited my parents-in-law this past week for fall vacation. I am not usually one to talk about the weather, but with weather this beautiful, how could one not talk about it? It's been a while since I've had a fall this nice. The perfect kind in my opinion... cool, clear, sunny, and fresh. With such days like this, one just has to stay outside the whole day. Aahhhh!What do you find yourself doing on beautiful fall da...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Children at Play

I could imagine that many of you are familiar with the adorably sweet children's prints from Sarah Jane, children's book illustrator and mother of three small ones. If not, just sit back and let a big "awwww" escape from your lips. Having been familiar with Sarah's work for some time now, you can't imagine how excited I was when I heard that she was coming out with her own fabric line, Children at Play, for Michael Miller that she introduced at Spring Quilt Market. (found here)Not only does Sarah write a fantastic blog filled with sweet childhood memories in the making, but she has come out with a few equally as sweet embroidery patterns. I've also noticed since having a little guy in my life...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pretty Patchwork

So, how ironic is it that I am an online fabric retailer, who sells patchwork and quilting fabrics, but yet I don't quilt? I ask myself that a lot. I guess I belong to that "new generation" of sewers/quilters, who love to sew, but don't like the traditional fabrics that their grandma used to use. I love the evolution that quilting fabrics have seen over the past several years, even if I don't quilt... and especially the fact that quilting fabric is not just for quilting anymore. But it seems as though recently, what I've been working on has been looking a lot like quilting. If my aunt read that I think she would literally jump for joy right in her seat (she's the one who makes absolutely gorgeous...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Getting Somewhere

Do you have some days where you feel like you do nothing but spin your wheels?... and then the next day it's like you got more than double the amount of stuff accomplished than the day that you ran around in circles? So, from this notorious circle-spinner, I have to say that it is nice to actually get somewhere.Last week I was a little hesitant to give you any kind of preview because I wasn't sure if I would get a chance to work on them anytime soon... but here's a little taste of the new cosmetic bags that I've been working on. I think this one is my favorite... I first fell in love with the "Summer Totem" fabric, and mixing it with the quirky "Buoyancy" fabric was quite fun. ... but...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sewing and Other Excuses

Things have been a little quiet here on the sewing front for two reasons: First, this is now my husband's busiest season and once again full time little guy duty has me doing... well, other things than sewing. Who would have known that boys would like heavy equipment machines rather than sewing machines. Well, I guess I've pulled out a few projects here and there, worked on them for a few minutes when time allowed, but I wasn't able to show you anything because said husband also took the camera with him... hmmmpf!... and secondly, I guess I've been a little caught behind the scenes doing all the fun computer work that needs to be caught up on from when we were gone so much this summer. But I...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What's that... you don't like to sew?!?

So have you noticed I've kinda been on a theme here with buttons lately? But hey, I've seen some blogs where just about every other post is about their cat. (no offense cat lovers) Since I have no cats or dogs or any other pets... would you allow me just one more post about buttons? I guess I kind of got on a roll and just couldn't stop.So I realize that not everyone sews and that perhaps such a little thing like sewing on a button is more like work than fun, so I thought I would share a few non-sewing related ideas that one can still do with buttons. Looking for a couple home decorating ideas or even a fun twist on decorating wedding tables?Why not simple white buttons for a soft but elegant...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Passing It On

Every year when I travel home to visit my family in the States, I have one standing appointment. My dad's sister, who is an incredible quilter and seamstress, and I always make a trip to the local fabric shop that is filled from top to bottom with beautiful quilting fabrics. We leisurely work our way through the entire shop oohhing, aahhhing, and touching just about every single bolt of fabric in the store. You see, we have a special bond that only other creative people can understand... that connection for a love of crafting. On a recent visit, she gave me some vintage buttons that had been given to her... pehaps from her aunt or other relative, who obviously shared the same passion. I'm not...
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