Friday, June 28, 2019

The Art of the Fabric Pull

Next week the #summerstackfridays Link-Up Party starts... are you ready? The Link-Up will start July 5th and go through August 30th, 2019. But before the fun begins, I thought that it might be helpful to give you a little behind the scenes sneak peek of my process of how I do a fabric pull... you know, it is my favorite part of quilting! Several years ago I heard the best piece of advice on a home decorating show, and while it is so simple, it is so true... "start with an inspiration piece, and build around it". While I don't always start my fabric pulls with an inspiration fabric, it is definitely a great starting point if you are unsure of where to begin. The inspiration fabric for...

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Very Berry Applique Mini Pattern

Warm, sunny days, flowers in full-color bloom, and a freshly-picked, picnic spread on a breezy afternoon... isn't that what summer is all about? Introducing my "Very Berry" applique template set... the perfect way to get you in the summer mood! These scrumptious berries are a delicious embellishment for a sweet summer pillow for the terrace, a pretty table runner for your summertime table decor, a playful carryall bag, or whatever quilting project you can dream up! The "Very Berry" mini applique pattern, includes 4-piece applique templates, a brief explanation of the starch applique method, how-to instructions for the reverse applique leaf, as well as a layout/coloring sheet. I...

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Summer Stack Fridays Countdown - Two Weeks!

Summer is a time of traveling and for simply taking things slow. For many of us, it means that we have to close the door to our sewing room, and think about how to entertain those kids, and get as much family time in during the long daylight hours.Sometimes it's hard to find the time to even finish a quilt block, but there is always time to pull together a quick, little stack of fabrics, right? That's why I wanted to host a #summerstackfridays Link-Up Party - the Link-Up will start July 5th and go through August 30th, 2019... so, unplug that iron because there is no need to heat up your sewing room. Make this summer all about the fabric pull... who is with me? There are no prizes or...

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Find Me in Love Patchwork & Quilting!

Last week was all about secret projects and confessions, and this week is about letting it all out! I've been an avid reader of Love Patchwork & Quilting for quite some time now, and was immediately captivated by its beautiful styling and modern feel, all while staying on trend with the current quilting scene... and now I get to be a part of it with my Urban Paradise applique cushion!?! Bold tropical leaves and colorful blooms on a fresh, white linen background is just beckoning summer to come. Some of my favorite Basic Grey grunge colors give this cushion balance, while giving it a bit of movement and texture. You can find my Urban Paradise cushion pattern and instructions in...

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Confessions of a Secret Agent

I have a new-found respect for the life of a secret agent... trying to live a life of normalcy, but behind the scenes there's enough action to fill movie screens. With that being said, did I happen to mention that I have three patterns in the works... no? hmm, that could be because I was stuck behind the computer screen and everything has to stay under wraps until it's time. Sneak peeks are few and far between, and showing too much too soon might give it all away. It's no secret that I love applique, but what I really love is the combination of traditional piecing combined with applique... who says you can't have it all, right? Right now my flavor of the month are these elongated drunkard's...
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