As the long, still silence may have already indicated, we have been quite busy welcoming our new "little one" into the world this past week. Pink or blue is no longer a question with us.
So perhaps it is time to do a proper introduction.On Thursday March 11, 2010 at 11:37 a.m. we finally met the addition to our family...
Ben-Jacob Manuel Richter
3805 g / 55 cm 8lbs 6 oz / 21.6 in
Now is that special time of getting to know one another... just the three of us.
OOh! Congratulations to you and a warm welcome to your sweet little one! So good news! I'm so surprised! And I wish you a wonderful and happy beginning-time together! Best wishes from Uta!
oh allison! congratulations! i´m so happy for you! hope you are feeling well! who needs to sit down.. sitting and sleeping is overrated, don´t you think? haha! xxx jane
Liebe Allison! Meinen allerherzlichsten Glückwunsch zu eurem Söhnchen! Nun wird es also doch die blaue Kollektion ;-) Ich dachte mir schon fast, dass es soweit ist, weil es schon länger so ruhig war hier.
Was für ein wunderschönes Geschenk zum Frühlingsbeginn!
Oh, wie schön! Ein kleiner Junge! Ich gratuliere euch von ganzem Herzen zu eurem kleinen Babyglück und wünsche euch dreien alles Liebe und Gute. liebe Grüße, Beate
Hello and Welcome to baby Ben... he's a good size.. you did well!!! This is the best time, listening to them breathing, curling their hands around your finger, the smells. Precious... enjoy and congrats to Daddy too!!!!
Congratulations! I had a 8 pound 6baby too. I love when they come out with some meat on their bones. The more to kiss and nibble on. Yahoo for boys! I hope your labor wasn't too difficult.
Oh wie schön =) Jetzt seid ihr Eltern! Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Ich wünsche euch dreien ganz viel Freude aneinander! Mir gefällt der Name gut, für den ihr euch am Ende entschieden habt! LG, Ramona
Congratulations! Den frischgebackenen Eltern und Eurem kleinen Schatz alles Gute für die Zukunft! Genießt die Zeit, solange Euer Schatz noch so klein ist in vollen Zügen, sie ist so schnell vorbei.
congratulations and a warm welcome to your baby! i'm following your blog for quite a while now. and think it's okay now to break the silence. actually i was really curious about your 'baby-thing'. ;) all the best to you and your family, frau s.
Hello Allison, I've been thinking about you but never had enough time to visit and see what's new. I just wanted to say Congratulations! Your Little Boy looks perfect! I'm so happy for you and I wish you lots of wonderful moments during your journey through motherhood. All the best, Kasia
OOh! Congratulations to you and a warm welcome to your sweet little one! So good news! I'm so surprised! And I wish you a wonderful and happy beginning-time together!
ReplyDeleteBest wishes from Uta!
oh! congratulations! Herzlichen Gluckwünsch! I *thought* this was why you'd been quiet for so long! =)
ReplyDeleteHope you're all getting enough sleep and staying healthy! babies in spring = perfect
oh allison! congratulations! i´m so happy for you! hope you are feeling well! who needs to sit down.. sitting and sleeping is overrated, don´t you think? haha!
ReplyDeletexxx jane
Liebe Allison!
ReplyDeleteMeinen allerherzlichsten Glückwunsch zu eurem Söhnchen! Nun wird es also doch die blaue Kollektion ;-)
Ich dachte mir schon fast, dass es soweit ist, weil es schon länger so ruhig war hier.
Was für ein wunderschönes Geschenk zum Frühlingsbeginn!
Herzliche Grüße
Congrats! He is a big boy! I hope you and baby Ben are doing well.
ReplyDeleteHi Allison, Congratulations to you and your husband on the birth of Ben.. !
ReplyDeletePleased that all went well. Take care, Anne
Oh, wie schön! Ein kleiner Junge! Ich gratuliere euch von ganzem Herzen zu eurem kleinen Babyglück und wünsche euch dreien alles Liebe und Gute.
ReplyDeleteliebe Grüße, Beate
Hello and Welcome to baby Ben... he's a good size.. you did well!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is the best time, listening to them breathing, curling their hands around your finger, the smells.
Precious... enjoy and congrats to Daddy too!!!!
Congratulations! I had a 8 pound 6baby too. I love when they come out with some meat on their bones. The more to kiss and nibble on. Yahoo for boys! I hope your labor wasn't too difficult.
ReplyDeleteCongratulation! I feel so happy for you! Enjoy those first days and weeks together, they are magic.
ReplyDeleteDem kleinen Ben ein herzliches Willkommen und euch viel Glück und immer Freude mit dem Nachwuchs.
ReplyDeleteLiebe Grüße
Congratulations and welcome from our corner of the world!
ReplyDeleteOh wie schön =) Jetzt seid ihr Eltern! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
ReplyDeleteIch wünsche euch dreien ganz viel Freude aneinander!
Mir gefällt der Name gut, für den ihr euch am Ende entschieden habt!
LG, Ramona
ReplyDeleteDen frischgebackenen Eltern und Eurem kleinen Schatz alles Gute für die Zukunft!
Genießt die Zeit, solange Euer Schatz noch so klein ist in vollen Zügen, sie ist so schnell vorbei.
Best wishes
congratulations and a warm welcome to your baby!
ReplyDeletei'm following your blog for quite a while now. and think it's okay now to break the silence. actually i was really curious about your 'baby-thing'. ;)
all the best to you and your family,
frau s.
In french we say " Félicitations" and "longue vie à bébé Ben".
ReplyDeleteBe happy !
OMG! I am SO PLEASED FOR YOU!!!! :) Such lovely, lovely HAPPY HAPPY news, and I wish you and your lovely new family only joy!
ReplyDeleteyay yay!!
Auch von mir die herzlichsten Glückwünsche. :-)))) Ich wünsche euch eine gesunde und wundervolle Zeit zusammen!
ReplyDeleteLiebe Grüße, Smila
Congratulations! So good news!
ReplyDeleteHerzlichen Glückwunsch für Euch! Die erste Zeit ist sooo zauberhaft, lasst es Euch gut gehen!
ReplyDeleteLG, Katharina
Hello Allison,
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking about you but never had enough time to visit and see what's new. I just wanted to say Congratulations! Your Little Boy looks perfect! I'm so happy for you and I wish you lots of wonderful moments during your journey through motherhood.
All the best,