Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A Little of This, A Little of That...

It's a good feeling to be making real progress on projects, don't you think? Even though I have so many, none of my quilts in progress have even gotten to the point where I have actually packed them away, where they run the risk of being forgotten while working on the next best thing. They've always somehow remained on the front burner... well, at least in my mind anyway. But, I'm a juggler quilter with creative ADD who needs do a little bit here until I get bored with that, and flip to the next project until I run into something, and still have a backup project in the wings. Despite being juggled around back and forth, my Farm Girl Vintage quilt has finally made it under the machine to be...

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Modern Beauty Table Runner?... Check!

A friend of mine, who was a smoker, once told me that when she had to wait a long time for her food when she went to a restaurant, all she had to do was light up a cigarette and then her meal would show up! Well, now I've been wondering if the same theory applies to other things too... even quilting?!? Last week, I poured out my frustrations about having to wait an insanely long time for my batting... and then after I had posted about it, it came! (no worries, it's not a planned topic to make my sewing supplies come faster... although if I thought it would help, it really would be tempting!) So, with batting now on hand, I'm hitting my to-do list hard! Since I don't usually make things...

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Worth the Wait (and a quilt top finish!)

Since living in Germany, I've learned to get used to... waiting. The average worker here usually has about six weeks of vacation, which sounds so strange to the standard two weeks of vacation, three if you're lucky, American ears. If you call a company and need to have a certain person take care of an issue, but they might be on vacation for the next two weeks... what do you do if you need the answer now?... wait. Grocery stores are closed here on Sundays, like they used be if you are old enough to remember the "good 'ol days" in the States. If a holiday falls on a Saturday or Monday here, or even worse on all three, then you might have to do some serious planning to have everything needed...

Friday, January 8, 2016

2016 Finish-A-Long (the short version)

Because some people are visual... including myself, I thought it would be helpful to sum up and share a condensed visual overview of my previous post for my 2016 Finish-A-Long goals for Q1. This will be a first time link up for me, and I wanted to be cautious to not overpromise and then underdeliver, but after reading further, I realized that there is no penalty for biting off more than you can chew. So... here's what's on my plate for this year: For links to these projects, details, specifics, the ins and outs, snags and bumps, and generally just more words, visit my previous post. Linking up to the 2016 Finish-A-Long!...

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Set the Mark 2016

Since sewing and quilting is a hobby for me, I've actually approached it as something without boundaries and deadlines... you know, just letting it happen. I'm not exactly an organized mouse... in fact, I fall under the chaotic creative category. One cannot imagine how hard those of us who fall into this category have to work to bring structure and planning into things.... but even with that being said, I recognize the benefits of a plan, which is why I've decided to join the 2016 Finish-A-Long. It made it easier for me to divide things into quarterly goals and then yearly/ongoing goals. Quarterly Goals: 1. Last year I joined A Quilty Circle of Bees, a new quilting bee with other German...
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