Wednesday, January 30, 2019

What's Missing In New York?

Perhaps its happened to you too... You're on a mission. The goal is set. Your determination is firm... stay. on. course. And like an unexpected, glittery flea market on the side of the road, there is something that just beckons you to pull over, and have a look. Finishing up Whirly Girl, is top of my list right now, hmmm... but she is with pattern testers at the moment. Get the next pattern together for a Nadelwelt release, hmmm... but that's in May. So, I suppose that one could argue that there's always time for a detour... stop and smell the roses, right? Have you ever wondered what's been missing in New York? (well, at least with the New York Beauty block) I think I figured...

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Summer Smoothie Finish

Usually this time of year, there is a certain deep grey that seems to settle and hover over Northern Germany... a kind of grey that is thick. When you know what to expect, it somehow makes it a little easier to come to terms with the inevitable. Despite the fact that I know the looming forecast, it's still a little hard to plan my photos around it. Last week was the first break in the dreary covering since the New Year, and the clear skies were accompanied with a light dusting of snow. In any case, don't you think it is a little ironic that I am sharing my Summer Smoothie quilt finish in this wintry weather backdrop? Perhaps the slight dusting provides the best contrast for these popping...

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Nadelwelt Class + Free Fabric Swatch Cards

Last week I shared about several upcoming events, one of them being my class offered at Nadelwelt on Color Theory for Quilters. I am super excited about this class becuase I am super excited about color! I think my love of color came from my dad, who finished college with an art degree.  I suppose that I've gushed a time or two about my super talented dad, and I remember all those "teachable moments" that he took full advantage of when I was young. He would  always sneak in a narration here about contrasting colors, or a comment there to point out a particular color scheme... my life was filled with mini art lessons, painting sessions in our furnace room, and tips on mixing paint...

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Start TheYear Out With A Bang!

I know, I know... I've kind of left you hanging these last months, and while I could ramble on for ten blog posts about what has kept me absent, let's just start off the new year with a clean slate... sound like a plan? With all those explanations out of the way, then I can just jump right into sharing (in part) some the exciting things that are coming up, and what has my calendar already half way filled up with the year having barely started!?! How about if I start with what is the furthest away and work my way back? I have the opportunity  to teach two classes at Nadelwelt in Karlsruhe again in May, and I am super excited about teaching color theory for quilters. It's no secret...
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