Saturday, February 14, 2009

Croissants For Vanletine's Day?

Note to Self: (and to other wives) When you suspect your husband is up to something... he probably is.

So yesterday I just had to ask the question... Schatz (the German pet name for sweetheart, but translated means "my treasure") ... do you know what tomorrow is? There was a long pause with a perplexed and puzzled face, "uuuhhhh, no, should I"? Of course it was the answer that I expected, followed with my reply that it was Valentine's Day. Then immediatley followed the question of the century... "and what exactly is Valentine's Day again"? Needless to say I did not encourage his claimed ignorance with a response. But I did find it interesting that my husband announced later that evening that we should at least have croissants the next morning for Valentine's Day.... sure.

My second tip off should have been that as my husband headed out the door to the nearest bakery this morning, and as I started the tea and eggs, that he suggested that maybe I might want to wait with my preparations because there could be a big line up at the bakery.... yeah, right. We all know that most couples flood the bakeries for croissants for Valentine's morning, right.?

But of course, much to my delight, my husband did fall victim to the pressure of the the now retail driven day and brought back a beautiful bouquet of flowers. With this kind of offering, I think I would like croissants every year for Valentine's day.


  1. Such beautiful flowers!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. beautiful flowers but.....




  3. Diana, I knew just the mention of German bread would get to you. Would it help you if I lied and said it didn't taste very good?

  4. I know it tasted horrible slathered with some nice softened butter and either a piece of schinken or cheese or maybe a dallop of some nice fruit preserves. They were probably still warm when he brought them home. BAH!

  5. To take away a little of the pain, they were not warm... and besides, who likes fresh, chewy bakery bread with soft butter and homemade jelly anyway, right?

  6. so you did have a good card& flowers for me, ( poor me) I try your way next year

  7. I'm so sorry to hear that your card and flowers were missing, but I do believe that had I not dropped a hint that is was Valentine's Day that my husband may have missed it completely. He told me that the holiday has not really been around in Germany for to long... hard to say.


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