Wednesday, June 27, 2018

An Apple A Day

So, if an apple a day keeps the doctor away, does a really BIG one keep him away fore even longer? I've shared a couple sneak peaks of my latest Basic Grey grunge yumminess here and on Instagram, but perhaps it wasn't really obvious what those bold splashes of red would become. I was totally inspired by a Clare Young's print, and I find that when I look at almost everything these days, I just see applique shapes. I have to admit that her pear print makes me want to tear into my green grunge stash too. For my standards, this is a pretty small quilt, probably a baby quilt size, but it also boasts my largest applique shape to date... that's an almost a 30" apple there!?! Because...

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Gearing Up For Summer

I have to admit that I am a little all over the place with my projects these days. I know that things are winding down because summer is just around the corner... that time of year where there is less time for sewing, and more time for kids, outside activities, family, friends, traveling, and cookouts! (surely a little applique has to be on that list somewhere too!?!) And that leaves me with lots to do and little time to do it. This past week, I basted two quilts, started quilting two projects, AND worked on several new videos... just to mention a few.  So, if you happened to miss it last week, then be sure to hop over to my YouTube channel. I've been talking about my favorite...

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Making The YouTube Leap

I've been talking about it for a while now, that I wanted to start making a few videos about some of the quilting techniques that I use... especially about starch applique. There's just so much to say, that you just can't get it all in on one blog post... not to mention that having a visual explanation of something just makes things so much more clear. So, pop on over to my YouTube channel and see what I've been up to... Stay tuned, because I've got more vidoes in the making... do you want to see mo...

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Yellow Stars & Applique Blocks

Some of my bee members like to make fun of me that by the time I deicde on a quilt block, and make up a couple test blocks, that the quilt is almost finished. Well... not quite. Yes, I've made a good amount of progress on my yellow quilt, but am no where near being finished. My bee members will be pleased to know that I am stopping with stars now, and passing the torch for them to carry. As I had mentioned last week, it is my intention is to keep the applique blocks fairly simple and not get slowed down by such labor intensive blocks... you just can't find any simpler applique shapes than stems, ovals, and orange peels. I've always been really drawn to crossing applique designs. Here...
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