Friday, October 16, 2009

Halfway There

I can remember when we went on our Honeymoon almost three years ago, the airline we were traveling with had called us to the front desk to clarify something with our flight plans... "Familie Richter" (Family Richter), they called over the loud speaker. When my husband had returned, he turned to me and said "Family Richter"... that's right, we are a family now. What a simple, but yet life realizing statement.

I guess at that time I had never really viewed us in that way yet, and the definition of family these days really is quite a stretch from the traditional definition in my parents day. Often I have thought of a family as more than just two, but in today's world two is all you need. In January we will celebrate three years of being a family. In this aspect it is my husband that I have turned to and relied on, who I have shared the deepest things in my heart, my joys and my sorrows, and he is the one who simply walks beside me in life ... and that makes him my family.

But as most things in life, some things change. Some good changes some bad, some that make one reflect and ponder, and some that happen so quickly that you do not have enough time to process the reality of it. And we are now in that season of change... a redefining of what we have called family over the past three years. I guess it is kind of fitting that we become three in the third year of our lives together...

While I have loved my life and my "family" these past few years, there have been times that it has seemed like someone was missing... simply that I have felt like someone else should be there. So in our season of change we are halfway there, halfway there to meeting the special someone that is growing inside... that someone who will make our family more complete.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!
    Oh what a great new!!!!
    Take care of yourself!!!
    Best wishes

  2. Oh Alli this is wonderful news and I know you have to be overjoyed. Yes it does make you a different kind of family and it's very special. Just think of all the fabulous little beautiful things you can create for this little one!!! hahaha.
    I am very happy for you and hubby. Thoughts of any names yet?
    much love... Ali.

  3. Allison, you sure no how to make a girl cry. I am so happy for you. I am glad you will have a little someone to share that farm of yours with and maybe teach how to sew or sew things for. What fantastic news! BTW, I think you need to break open the fireplace and hire a chimney sweep to clean it. I love how they dress in germany. Just like in Mary Poppins. No, my husband does not really like frosting either. He usually scrapes it off. However, the pumpkin bread shown on my blog was for Kaffee Klutch at the German school. My boys spend every saturday morning learning German. Wishing you all the best-Kelleyn

  4. Allsion, that is wonderful, great news..

    enjoy your weekend

  5. oh my dear allison, ich wuensche Euch alles was ein Mensch ein andere wuenschen kann. Gluck. Liebe. Frieden. Schlaf :) Gesundheit. Ich freue mich so fuer Euch und denke halt, das Leben ist so kurz und wir mussen die Dinge tun, was uns Freude bringt. Wie ein Baby zur Welt bringen. :) Sooooo schoen dass Ihr so ein wundschones Zukunft habt, als Famlie. Freue mich tierisch fuer euch.

  6. i cried too when i read this, you worded it so beautifully, allison.

  7. congratulations. so, so, so excited for your growing family.

  8. that´s wonderful news! congratulations allison!

  9. Oh..that´s just wonderful! What a great time for the both of you.
    I´m smiling from ear to ear ...that was such a sweet post.
    A big big hug an have a wonderful weekend!

  10. ooooh, wonderful, exciting, congratulations! Keep us updated!

  11. Congratulations and what a beautiful introduction.

  12. Congratulations and... thanks for sharing your beautiful story !!!

  13. Again, I am so excited for the two of you. Take care of yourself and enjoy the quiet moments.

    bobbie Jo

  14. Hooray! And Hooray again! Well done! - The changes will be good in all possible and impossible ways. Wonderful news.

  15. Wauw look at that little love, congrats!


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