Despite my desire to eat healthy foods and avoid gut bombs, and obviously since I am an American, I do know what a good burger tastes like. For the last two years I have attempted to sample restaurants in Germany that claim to serve "American cuisine" (can one actually use those two words in the same sentence?) hoping to satisfy that once in a blue moon craving. But to my dismay, I have found myself extremely disappointed at the small, thin, grey, often questionable meat that arrives on my plate trying to disguise itself as something tasty hidden behind a fluffy bun and fresh toppings. So my quest for that mouth watering, tasty American burger in Deutschland has been put to an end. I have decided not to even allow myself to be tempted into the torture of raising my hopes and anticipation only to come crashing down when my appetite just cannot be appeased with anything less than the real thing.
But this past week my Pavlov's dog feeling has finally been satisfied. A mere 30 minute bus ride to the nearest Hard Rock Cafe on the island did the trick. I can remember visiting the HRC when I was in New York City, but it did not leave quite the same impression as it did this time. What better place to give a big hats off to the songwriter for his deep words of wisdom than in the restaurant that served me the best burger this year.

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